
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, “Ethnikon Metsovion Polytechnion”) is the oldest and most prestigious Engineering School in Greece. It accepts the best students in the country according to the rankings of the yearly stringent national admittance examination. The School of Civil Engineering of NTUA offers a five-year M.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering as well as Post-graduate courses on Structural and Hydraulic engineering.

The fields of expertise of the research team of X are: Shape and topology optimization using the level-set method. Gradient-based parametric optimization. Scientific computing. Partial differential equations and mathematical modelling. Wave equations. Fluid mechanics. Two experienced and five early stage researchers in the field of shape and topology optimization will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields.UPD The fields of expertise of the research team of PARIS7 are: Shape and topology optimization using the level-set method. Non-linear elasticity. Scientific computing. Numerical analysis of partial differential equations. One experienced and three early stage researchers in the field of shape and topology optimization will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields

Universite Joseph Fourier-SIMaP laboratory (INPG). The fields of expertise of the research team of INPG are: Material science and engineering. Non-linear mechanics and finite element simulation. Shape and topology Optimization. Acoustics. 3d printing. Two experienced and two early stage researchers in the field of material science and engineering will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields

The fields of expertise of the research team of EUPRAXIA are: Big data analysis, software development, optimization on-site building positioning and opening dimensions, algorithms and meta-data optimization, scientific computing and architectural add-ons development. Five researchers in the field of software development and optimization will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields

The fields of expertise of the research team of SHAPE are: Architectural and energy efficiency. One experienced researcher in the field of structural design and CAD and one managerial staff will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields

The fields of expertise of the research team of ACE are: IT integrated solutions, developing software applications targeted on structural design, engineering and sustainability, providing end-to-end business solutions covering effectively all technological and telecommunication needs. Five experienced researchers in the field of structural design and CAD will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields

The fields of expertise of the research team of UCY are: integrated architectural design, architectural technology, structural and construction design, kinetic structures, earthquake engineering, structural control and seismic isolation, digital architectural design, fabrication strategies and physical prototyping, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, parametric-associative design logic and physics-based computer modelling. Two experienced and four early stage researchers in the field of architectural technology and kinetic structures will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields

The fields of expertise of the research team of YASAR are: kinetic architecture, adaptive structural mechanisms, transformable bar structures, scissor mechanisms, kinematic synthesis and structural analysis of adaptive structures, parametric design and doubly-curved surface geometries. One experienced and one early stage researchers in the field of adaptive structural mechanisms will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields

The fields of expertise of the research team of IZTECH are: kinetic architecture, deployable structures, retractable structures, origami, adaptability, mechanisms. One experienced and one early stage researchers in the field of kinetic architecture will travel in order to transfer knowledge in these research fields